Submission Agreement:
The goal of AFG is to a win/win relationship with Artist for mutual promotion for the sale of donation for charity contribution. Artist agrees to reciprocity in tagging, posting and promotion of donation and will provide AFG an email list of friends and family to promote Featured Artist Newsletter. Artist agrees that submission if chosen, will be guaranteed available for no less than 45 days from acceptance and has not been submitted simultaneously to any other organization. Artist acknowledges that submissions are original art & not prints. It is the responsibility of the submitting artist to ensure that no copyright infringement has occurred and that all submitted work is original and their own. Artist guarantees delivery directly to client with AFG approval & expense within 3 working days of purchase notification. Artist also agrees to give Artists for Good 20% commission fee for any purchases derived from Artists for Good, either by website or referral for the duration Artist is promoted or hosted on website. AFG will contact Artist by email within 30 days to notify of acceptance status.
Collectors Agreement:
Collector acknowledges that AFG is a broker between artist and client and does not take responsibility for agreements made separately between artist & buyer. Collector agrees to not re-produce the artwork in any digital, paint or print medium on any platform. It is the Collectors responsibility to verify the artwork upon delivery and confirm if the images are false representation of the delivered artwork, in this rare circumstance it is the Collectors responsibility to notify AFG within 5 business days. AFG’s sole obligation will be to refund collector original purchase price of artwork, once artwork has been returned to the artist.